Category: Customer centricity
How to improve your onboarding strategy
Creating an effective onboarding strategy has never been this crucial. Customers demand more from organisations and one mistake can make them leave you, even at the beginning of their journey. To prevent this, it’s not enough with sending one welcome email and call it a day. It’s important to study the customer and plan what […]
Why your marketing strategy should prioritise customer centricity
Many companies struggle to see the importance of being close to their current and future customers. They don’t prioritise customer centricity. However, there’s a lot more value, also economic, when you dedicate time to acknowledge the humanity of your customers. As time passes, companies become savvier on how to attract customers, and so do the […]
Why NPS is important for marketing professionals
A bad experience weighs more than a good one, or in other words, we’re hardwired for negativity. Back in 2001, Paul Rozin and Edward B. Royzman, professors of psychology, coined the term negativity bias and defined it as the innate and general predisposition humans have to receive a negative experience more quickly, but also respond […]